Stick To Your Brand
...and your brand will stick
Many business owners have a common approach to social media and advertising campaigns: “Let’s try this font today, that template tomorrow, and see what looks nice!” Often, design choices depend on who’s in charge that day and their creative instincts. While this may seem harmless, it’s a risky game for your brand.
The risk
Your current and potential clients see your posts across multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, newsletters, and paper advertising. But so do other businesses. When your designs keep changing, your brand loses its identity in the ocean of content. Our brains are wired to process and recognize patterns, and inconsistency disrupts this process. Without a recognizable and consistent look, your brand risks becoming blended in.
But I get bored with the same designs all the time?
Boredom is good... for your brand. It means you're being consistent. You have to imagine that you see your branding all the time, while your ideal clients only see it on occasion. Especially with today's algorithms. Unless you, as a potential client, interact with a page, you may not even see it at all! It also depends on how often they scroll through their feed on social media. So when they do scroll through, it better be instantly recognizable, or it gets lost.
The Solution: Brand Warrior Guide
A Brand Warrior Guide, also known as a Brand Style Guide or Brand Guidelines, is a PDF document (well, usually) that is designed to have you and your team on the same page, literally and figuratively! It holds all the details of your brand and everyone on your team should adhere to those.
The Side Effects
The side effects are positive in this case and go beyond just marketing! It helps your brand stand out but it also draws in the right team members, who will align with your business values and purpose, and will be proud to be part if it. Your staff-turn over will likely be a lot lower. And if you don't have a team (yet), you will find that it saves you a lot of time and hassle and eliminates guess work!
Do you feel you could benefit from having a proper brand? We can help with a Brand Review, a Brand Warrior Guide as well as a Social Sumo Designer Kit to help you streamline your efforts.